Getting the Most from Lantica's Sesame Database Manager
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 22, 2024  2:01 pm. PST

Introducing FileFinder For
Sesame Database ManagerTM


What is FileFinder?
is an add-in you can "drop-into" to any form in any Sesame application. Adding FileFinder to a form does not require any programming. It takes just a few minutes to add FileFinder to a form.

What does FileFinder do?
lets you access your computer's file system (right from the database record you're working on) to find a file, then gives you options for previewing the file and pasting its filepath into the record. File Finder lets you quickly link external files to your records or simply review those files while working in your database.

Read a published article on FileFinder

How does FileFinder work?
works by displaying a sequence of drill-down picklists. (Sequence shown at the bottom of this page.) When you click the Find File button, FileFinder prompts you for the type of file you want to find (.doc, .pdf, .htm, .jpg, etc.) and the drive to search. (The drives list can include mapped network drives.) FileFinder then lets you quickly "drill down" to the right folder where you can select the file. You can then paste its filepath into the record you're on, preview the file in whatever program the file is associated with, or preview it first, then decide if you want to paste the filepath into the record. When you select a file, FileFinder automatically writes its filepath to a Sesame Global Value and also to a plain text file named FileFinder_file.txt on your computer, in case you need to need to access the file from elsewhere

How can you use FileFinder?
gives you instant access to your computer's file system (including mapped network drives) from inside the Sesame database record you're viewing. You can use FileFinder to find and display document files that may help with data entry or supply additional information needed to fill out a record or answer a question. You can find and link one or more files related to the record by having FileFinder paste in the full path to the file(s).

How many databases or forms can I use FileFinder with?
As many as you like. You can add FileFinder to any form in any database as long as you know which field you want to use for storing the filepath of the selected file.

How long does it take to set up a FileFinder?
About 10 minutes for someone familiar enough with Sesame Designer to add a button to a form and paste in the program.

Can I get free technical support if I have any questions?
Yes — toll-free at 800-780-5474 (US/Canada), 949-722-9127 outside the US. Or by email.

What the FileFinder package includes...

  • A PDF (Acrobat) file of the FileFinder article that appears in the December 2006 issue of Inside Sesame, our monthly newsletter on Sesame. Read the FileFinder article now.

  • A fully-functional FileFinder sample application you can play around with to familiarize yourself with how it works and find out what you might be able to use it for. To add FileFinder to your own application, simply place a Find File button on your form, copy the single program from the sample application, and paste it into the new button's programming slot. Done!

How to get FileFinder*

The FileFinder for Sesame package is available for $49 for a standalone (single) computer or $149 for unlimited use. The unlimited package permits commercial use in any applications you design. The FileFinder package is delivered to you in a ZIP file by email attachment. Order it

FileFinder Pro
More Power... More Options...

FileFinder Pro — an advanced version of FileFinder —supports an optional includes file that restricts each user to just the drives and folder paths specified in their own FileFinder_includes.txt file.

But it's more than just a restriction. It lets you provide users with plain English descriptions as file search starting points (instead of requiring them to navigate drives and folder paths). The descriptions work like shortcuts that take them directly to the folders containing the files they need to access.

FileFinder Pro also supports ALL as a file type option. In other words, ALL displays files of all types. (For example, .pdf and .doc files.)

FileFinder Pro also lets authorized users create new folders on-the-fly. (You decide which users are authorized.)

FileFinder Pro is $89 for the standalone (single computer) version and $249 for unlimited usage.

Order FileFinder Pro

Questions? Call toll-free 800-780-5474 (US/Canada) or 949-722-9127, or email us.

A free, no obligation FileFinder demonstration is available over the Internet.
If your PC has an Internet connection, call us and we'll tell you how to connect
to one of our office PCs to view a live demo of FileFinder or FileFinder Pro

*Offers are made exclusively by Marble Publications, Inc., publisher of Inside Sesame.
Marble Publications is not part of Lantica Software, the maker of Sesame Database Manager.

How FileFinder Works

You can use the sample FileFinder form to familiarize yourself with how FileFinder works.

Choosing the File Type (file extension) to find.

Choosing the drive to search. The list can include mapped network drives.
You can optionally add folder locations (such as the My Folders shown) to quickly navigate to your favorite folders.

The Folders flyout shows the folders on the selected drive. Here, the ScannedDocs folder is about to be selected, resulting in the list of found files shown in the next graphic below.

Selecting the file.

Telling FileFinder what to do with the selected file.