Getting the Most from Lantica's Sesame Database Manager
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 22, 2024  2:01 pm. PST

Introducing WordMerge Lite For
Sesame Database ManagerTM and Microsoft WordTM

"WordMerge Lite is really pleasant to use."  —Eugene L.

"Worked perfectly. Thank you for a great product as well as great support."  —Greg M.

"You've done it again — WordMerge Lite is a great piece of work,
and so is your documentation on it."
   —Jon M.

I used it and it worked like a charm.  —Cliff S.

Just spent the weekend incorporating WordMerge Lite into all our Sesame
applications. It's going to make my life so much easier!...
[more]  —Don N.

[All comments unsolicited]

What exactly does WordMerge Lite do?
It enables you to merge-print your Sesame data with letters and other
     documents you create in your Windows word processor.
     Sample Word merge document.

How many databases or forms can I use WordMerge Lite with?
As many as you want. You can add it to any form in any database.

How many computers can I use WordMerge Lite on?
As many as you like. Licenses are not required.

What about the Q&A for DOS merge documents I already have?
Use Write / Utilities / Export a Document / Document ASCII then open the
     document in Word. Some clean-up may be required (including reapplying fonts and
     enhancements) but the text, merge fields and general formatting should be intact.

What do I need to use WordMerge Lite? **
Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP
     • Microsoft Word 2000 or later
     • Sesame Database Manager 1.1.3 or later
How long does it take to set up WordMerge Lite?
About 10 minutes for a person of moderate computer skills.

Can I get free support if I have any questions?
Yes — toll-free at 800-780-5474 (US/Canada), 949-722-9127 outside the US.
     Or by email.

Where can I get more details and technical info on WordMerge Lite?
Click here to read the complete documentation package

** Success has been reported using WordMerge Lite in Windows 98 with Word 2000 or Open Office's word processor, and with WordPerfect Office X3 when printing merged documents in a browser.

WordMerge Lite in a Nutshell

WordMerge Lite for Sesame gives you an easy way to merge the data
in your databases with merge documents you create in Microsoft Word.
You can merge print just one record at a time or as many as you like.

With WordMerge Lite you can be merge printing in 10 minutes!
The setup is easy and there's no programming to write

In Microsoft Word (or Open Office or WordPerfect X3):
Create your merge letter, adding your merge fields using tags like *Company*
    (substitute your own database's field names) show me more

In Sesame:
1. Open your database form in Sesame Designer and add a Merge Print button to it.
    2. Paste in the WordMerge Lite program then save the layout and Reconcile.

You can now merge print to your new merge document

  1. Click your new Merge Print button.

  2. Select the merge document from WordMerge Lite's pick-list.

  3. Choose to merge print just the displayed record or all retrieved records.

That's it!

WordMerge Lite offers various options you can try out if needed.
Everything you need is supplied in the WordMerge Lite package.
You simply add your own merge documents.

The complete WordMerge Lite package includes...

  1. A SETUP file containing the easy WordMerge Lite setup instructions.

  2. A PROGRAM.TXT file containing the WordMerge Lite program that works with any Sesame database.

  3. A sample Sesame application with WordMerge Lite enabled, along with a sample Word merge document, so you can see how easy it is to use before adding it to your own databases.

How to get WordMerge Lite*
A download file containing the complete WordMerge Lite program (items 1-3 above) is included with the February 2006 issue of Inside Sesame. About Inside Sesame

Option 1: By subscribing to Inside Sesame, you can purchase the February 2006 issue separately ($12.00). You'll then receive that issue (plus the current issue and the next 11 issues as they're published) along with the download file containing the complete WordMerge Lite package (items 1-3 above). Subscribe now

Option 2: The complete WordMerge Lite package is available separately for $69, delivered by email attachment. Order it

Option 3: Request a free trial WordMerge Lite application. It's the same sample application as above with a WordMerge Lite-enabled database and sample Word merge document, except that its programming isn't portable to other applications. You can evaluate this sample application to see if WordMerge Lite meets your needs.

Questions? Call toll-free 800-780-5474 (US/Canada) or 949-722-9127, or email us.

*Offers are made exclusively by Marble Publications, Inc., publisher of Inside Sesame.
Marble Publications is not part of Lantica Software, the maker of Sesame Database Manager.

Before & after merge...

Above: Q&A-style merge fields shown in a Microsoft Word document. It takes just a few minutes to create an attractive merge letter.

: The Sesame data merged in.

With WordMerge Lite you're always given the opportunity to preview your merge documents before sending them to the printer. (You can even make temporary changes to individual letters.) Your merge letters can contain fancy fonts, enhancements, images, and even Word tables. You can make them look as clean and professional as you want.


Another testimonial about WordMerge Lite

Just spent the weekend incorporating WordMerge Lite into all our Sesame applications. It's going to make my life so much easier! Until now, I had been building custom layouts for every form which required a merge print, simply because all the other work-arounds for not having a bundled word processor were much too complicated to use or train people on. This one is truly cut and paste for the "Sesame person" and point and click for the user.

We run all our applications as client-server to a Linux box, so this is truly an elegant solution for us, and puts some of the power back into the user's hands where it belongs. Now if we could do the same thing for on-the-fly reports!

A couple of notes regarding minimum requirements. I had no problem getting your program to work on a Windows 98 machine with Word 2000 installed.

Also, I was able to use Open Office 2 with very good results as well. This might be worth mentioning as it is a very good (free) alternative to the Office bundle if you just need some simple mail merges.

Thanks for an exceptional contribution to the Sesame community.

Don Newlin
City of Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada