Getting the Most from Lantica's Sesame Database Manager
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 22, 2024  2:01 pm. PST

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(Bells & whistles standard equipment)
Advanced Sesame Applications for Sale


The Quarterly Do-It-Yourself
Guide to All Things Sesame

  • Maximize your investment in Lantica's
    Sesame Database Manager

  • Get much more from Sesame than what comes
    in the box. (1,827 tips and articles to date)

  • Save time creating the database features you need (We put in the long hours so you don't have to)

  • Get valuable free downloads including ready-to-use Sesame databases

  • Get answers to your Sesame questions in our regular
    user-inspired Help column



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the issues since Vol. 1 No. 1 (2004)
for $149 more ($1 per issue)

More about Inside Sesame

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About Marble Publications & Data


Featured Add-ins & Add-0ns
for Sesame Databases

Online demos available on our add-ins
Call for demo and pricing
We can help with installation & set up


We can integrate Google Maps
into any outside service business



The pop-up date-range magician
for reports and more
Flat out the easiest way to pick any date range












Simple Sesame
Office Calendar






A handy dandy integrated office calendar/scheduler

Organize your office and yourself
Pops  up in any form or runs standalone
Supports multiple users/schedules
Pick today, tomorrow or any day
Printable schedules/appointments display in
   pop-up window





We do it all. . .
Professional database design/programming
Q&A migration ▪ Web site work

Call to discuss your needs
Subscribers get 20% off our usual rates

  • We’ve seen and done everything under the sun with Q&A and Sesame

  • We published The Quick Answer Q&A newsletter from 1992 to 2003 and have published Inside Sesame since 2004

  • Sesame developers often come to us for design and programming advice

  • We do Web work as well, including making Sesame data accessible to/from Web sites

    (Recent example)



Our companion site
Ask Tom


Design and merge print all kinds of labels
for your Sesame data

Database To-Go

Take home your company's
most valuable asset each day

(1) Insert a USB stick into your workstation

(2) Click a secured button on your Sesame form


Off you go with a fully working, easily restorable
copy of the company's database in your pocket

Should disaster strike, restore the database in 2 minutes





for Sesame



Real Q&A-Style Crosstab Reports
for your Sesame databases


Broad-view Scheduling & Specialty Add-ons for Sesame
All examples below are customizable for the database to meet requirements
(Scroll horizontally to view full images)
Daily Appointments Calendar for Field Sales Reps
Fits a on 8½ x 11 sheet of paper when printed. Can be PDF'd / emailed
Other custom Schedulers, Calendars and the like . . . .

Comprehensive Service Calendar (Scheduled jobs)

Changes made on this popup scheduler are saved to the underlying Sesame database
5-Day Look-ahead Service Call Calendar
Appointments with addresses are confirms. Hyperlinked addresses show location in Google Maps (see Sample 3)
     Starting date shows scheduled activity for that day plus next four working days (configurable to support weekends)
     Codes in column headings represent count of confirms and total estimated hours
Popup Google Maps pinpoints the day′s service locations
Color-coded by service team with embedded map legend. Mouse hover displays appointment time / address
Popup Scheduler by install team with work details
All jobs completed in this example. Color-coded by job type. Embedded popup calendar allows any date to be reviewed
❺ (A) Popup Scheduler for a plumbing company
❺ (B) Popup Scheduler for a law office
Comprehensive customer sales history
Pops-up from customer's record on demand. Offers both micro and macro views
     Shows customer's order/invoice history plus total quantities purchased
     Shows product ranking by quantity of units sold to the customer
     Reveals which products customer might respond to on special offers
Customer sales history ranked by total revenue
Trends report. Shows customer’s buying patterns by product over past 3 years
Visual product sales trends
From inventory/product record. Any range of years from last 2 to last 10 years
     (10-year range shown here) Captions below bars indicate year and sales quantity
Custom-formatted lists/reports w/balanced columns
Stacked and Snaking columns (stacked goes across / snaking flows down like a phone book)
      Reports are run by clicking a button. Previews in Browser. Prints to standard letter paper

Customer's full service history accessible from anywhere
  Click a button to upload a customer's service records to your Web site
       Gives remote field technicians access to customer's entire service history
Live demo >>  100 Service Call Records Quick Demo from InsideSesame

Site design by Tom Marcellus Marble Publications & Data, Inc